Organizing Partners:

Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria, World Health Organization, World Hepatitis Alliance, Africa CDC, Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Nigeria (SOGHIN), Advocacy for the Prevention Hepatitis in Nigeria (APHIN), CDC Africa, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and African Union, CDA Foundation, Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination


The main objective of African Hepatitis Summit 2023 is to galvanize commitment by leaders at the highest level of government, private sector and civil society on innovative regional collaboration/partnership towards ending the challenge of viral hepatitis in Africa.



African Hepatitis Summit 2023

24– 26 October 2023 | Nicon Luxury Hotel-Abuja, Nigeria

Theme: Putting Africa on Track towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination

The 3rd African Hepatitis Summit 2023 will be held for (3) three days and will bring together civil

society organizations, policy makers, medical professionals and other stakeholders working in the field. The event provides a unique opportunity for all stakeholders’ consultations towards elimination. Additional pre-summit and side events may be organized by other external groups and organizations.


Sponsorship Levels

Platinum 100,000 USD (1 only)


  • Premium Satellite Symposium in prime slot (1.5 hours)
  • 20 Complimentary registrations
  • 12 m2 Exhibition space in the coffee area
  • Full page / full colour advertisement in the program book (artwork to be provided by

company; choice of position – first come, first served)

  • 4 Inserts of your choice in the conference bag
  • Prominent logo display on the delegate bags next to the meeting logo
  • Link to company website – a link from your logo will be set up from the meeting website to a website of your choice

Prominent acknowledgement as Platinum Supporter

  • Verbal acknowledgement in the opening session of the meeting
  • Prominent logo display on the meeting website
  • Prominent logo display on all electronic meeting communication
  • Prominent logo display on the meeting introduction slides
  • Prominent logo display on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Prominent logo display on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the

registration area

  • Prominent logo display in the final program book
  • Prominent logo display in post-meeting thank you email sent to all delegates
  • Prominent logo display on the meeting website for a period of three months after the meeting.

Gold 60,000 USD (3)


Lunch satellite symposium or late-afternoon satellite slot during the meeting program (1 hour)

  • 10 Complimentary registrations
  • 9 m2 Exhibition space in the coffee area
  • Half page / full colour advertisement in the program book (artwork to be provided by company; choice of position – first come, first served)
  • 2 Inserts of your choice in the conference bag

Major acknowledgement as Gold Supporter

  • Major logo display on the meeting website
  • Major logo display on all electronic meeting communication
  • Major logo display on the meeting introduction slides
  • Major logo display on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Major logo display on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the registration area
  • Major logo display in the final program book
  • Major logo display in post-meeting thank you email sent to all delegates
  • Major logo display on the meeting website for a period of three months after the meeting

Silver 50,000 USD (4)


  • 5 free registrations
  • Exhibition table in the coffee area

Acknowledgement as Silver Supporter

  • Logo display on the meeting website
  • Logo display on all electronic meeting communication
  • Logo display on the meeting introduction slides
  • Logo display on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Logo display on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the registration area
  • Logo display in the final program book
  • Logo display in post-meeting thank you email sent to all delegates
  • Logo display on the meeting website for a period of three months after the meeting

Bronze 40,000 USD (5)


  • 5 free registrations
  • Exhibition table in the coffee area

Acknowledgement as Bronze Supporter

  • Logo display on the meeting website
  • Logo display on all electronic meeting communication
  • Logo display on the meeting introduction slides
  • Logo display on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Logo display on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the registration area
  • Logo display in the final program book
  • Logo display in post-meeting thank you email sent to all delegates
  • Logo display on the meeting website for a period of three months after the meeting

Summit Supporter 25,000 USD (5)


  • 2 free registrations

Acknowledgement as Supporter of the summit

  • Logo display on the meeting website
  • Logo display on all electronic meeting communication
  • Logo display on the meeting introduction slides
  • Logo display on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Logo display on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the registration area
  • Logo display in the final program book
  • Logo display in post-meeting thank you email sent to all delegates
  • Logo display on the meeting website for a period of three months after the meeting

Contributor 20,000 USD


Acknowledgement as Contributor

  • Minor logo display on the meeting website
  • Minor logo display on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Minor logo display on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the registration area
  • Minor logo display in the final program book
  • Minor logo display in post-meeting thank you email sent to all delegates
  • Minor logo display on the meeting website for a period of three months after the meeting

Other 10,000 USD


Acknowledgement as Other Sponsor

  • Company name on the meeting website
  • Company name on the rotating meeting slides before and after meeting presentations
  • Company name on the commercial supporter acknowledgement board in the registration area
  • Company name in the final program book

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +234 803 691 6360